Tips for an Extra Safe Residential Pool

Are you one of the many Quebecers who have an inground or above-ground pool at home? Did you know that, in addition to installing a fence, there are other ways you can minimize the risk of drownings?
You may want to increase the safety of your pool even if you don’t have children, especially if you will be hosting younger guests over the summer.
Try these options for an even safer backyard swimming environment.
Employ an Immersion Alarm
An immersion alarm is a device that you place on the edge of the pool, submerging one part of it. Its underwater sensor will detect if a mass falls into the water and set off a loud alarm to alert anyone in the surrounding area.
This option, however, does come with downsides: strong winds or the movement of certain objects, like balloons, can trigger the device, stressing parents out with false alarms!
Wear a Bracelet
You can also purchase bracelets that, when submerged, transmit a signal to a base unit placed wherever you want (in the house or on the patio, for example). The base will then set off a loud alarm.
All you need to do is have those children who are at particular risk of drowning wear the bracelet when playing in the yard. Several very pretty models are available that they will be thrilled to wear! Plus, it is almost impossible for the kids to remove them themselves because a special key is required as well as a certain level of dexterity.
Of course, this bracelet system is only effective under one condition: remembering to put the bracelet back on the child after every swim session.
But just a tip: once triggered, the alarm can sound for quite a long time. So, if you want to test if the bracelet is working properly, do it indoors so as not to alert the entire neighbourhood.
Use a Locking Pool Ladder
You need to be aware that pool ladders are not all created equal regarding their safety if you have an above-ground pool. For example, some can be locked up with a gate that encases the steps, rendering them almost inaccessible. If you own a regular ladder, it is recommended that you remove it after swimming.
Install Latches and Spring Hinges
In Quebec, all inground pools must be surrounded by a fence. For above-ground pool, the deck or patio from which the pool is accessed must also be fenced. Of course, some fences are safer than others. The best options come with latching gates. Tiny tots can’t reach that high to open them.
Spring hinged gates are, likewise, strongly recommended as they enable the door to close automatically once opened. Quite helpful for the absentminded among us!
Put Enticing Toys Away
Most residential pool drownings involve children under four years of age. Sometimes kids are simply fascinated by the water and other times they are trying to catch an object near or in the pool. This is how tragedies can occur.
When the pool is not in use, remember to put away any item that could encourage youngsters to venture too close to the water’s edge. A large outdoor box is a practical storage solution.
Remove Scalable Objects
Curious little ones are often surprisingly ingenious when it comes to finding ways of gaining access to the pool without mom and dad’s help. They can push objects in the backyard to create scalable surfaces. Sometimes they will succeed by piling things up one on top of the other.
Hide or move anything these amateur builders could get their hands on.
Designate an Adult
One final pool safety tool is a pair of eyes! During a large party, it can be difficult to remain focused on watching young guests. If this is the case, the best method is to have a designate adult to oversee the swimming, but to have everyone take turns fulfilling this role.
Accidents can happen so fast! Ensure your backyard and, most importantly, pool area are as safe as they can be by stacking the odds in your favour.