Back to School: Economic and Practical Tips to Keep your Cool

Back to School: Economic and Practical Tips to Keep your Cool

Summer is coming to an end (oh no!) and your children will soon be back in school. As a parent, you know how stressful it can be to plan this time well. But getting the school year off to a good start should not make you sick.

For a smooth start to the school year, two factors must be combined: the happiness of the parent and that of the child. Here are our economic, practical and relaxing tips for the whole family!

Speak joyfully about it

We don't always realize it, but young people can easily detect their parents' moods. If you are stressed about the start of the school year, you could pass it on to your children without wanting to. This may be due to a negative view of the high costs of school materials. It may come from how much you hated going to school as a child. Sometimes, simple harmless responses can cause anxiety, disinterest or even unnecessary performance pressure.

Sleep: reprogram their brains

Whether your children go to day camp or spend their summer days at home, they have probably developed a holiday sleep cycle. Bedtime and getting up are often later. So, at least a week before school starts, set the record straight and reprogram their brains to follow the upcoming schedule. They will wake up in a much better mood (by the way, this advice applies to the parent as well!).

Evening reading... subjective!

If you read to your offspring before bedtime, why not include a book about going back to school? Several publishing houses offer them. These stories will help your children to see this time of the year positively and make them feel less alone in this schedule turmoil.

Revitalize their plates

Sometimes, during the summer, we allow ourselves less balanced meals. Who has never given cereal to their children for dinner because it was a long and exhausting day? A few days before the start of the school year, it is the right time to cook healthier dishes again. And why not cook dishes with saffron? This spice has anti-stress and anti-depression properties!

Make appointments in advance

In the first few days after the start of classes, it is good to have a lighter schedule to give yourself time to adjust to the new pace. It is therefore better to make all appointments (medical or other) for all family members in advance.

Relieve yourself of certain tasks

There is no point in worrying about the endless list of items to buy. Several stores can take care of this task. Also, who wants to spend hours identifying the school supplies? Fortunately, a few online companies offer a custom labeling service. And it's not expensive! Sometimes it's better to spend a few dollars.

Low budget? Save money!

Whether you have a lot of money or little, it is always nice to save. A trick is to stockpile (pencils, erasers, binders...) throughout the year, monitoring discounts and using coupons. Often, the best sales are at the end of September. Many parents say they save twice as much this way.

Clothing: two tips to save money

When you go back to school, you need new clothes. Second-hand clothes are often a wise choice and thrift stores are full of them! But if you hate buying used, there is always the option to design a smart wardrobe. It is a question of obtaining a few parts, but they will all be arranged together. Thus, with a few clothes, you can create several looks. It will save you a lot of money!

Stay tuned for more information

The last trick is to listen to the child. If he complains or throws temper tantrums when talking about the first day of school, it may hide uneasiness or anxiety. Try to reassure him as much as possible without lecturing him. After all, he too deserves a hassle-free start to the school year!

Keeping your cool during the first day of school? It's child's play after all!

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By RE/MAX Québec

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