Eight Tips for Finding a Good Home Inspector

Eight Tips for Finding a Good Home Inspector

How to Choose a Building Inspector for the Purchase of a House?

When looking for a new home, the best way to find out the general condition of the desired property is to have it inspected by a professional. But how do you choose the best one so that this stage takes place according to best practices?

In the world of building inspection, many candidates boast of being able to take on this important task but you should know that some are more qualified than others. Here are tips for finding the right one!

Ask for References

Often when it's time to carry out an inspection, we are pressed for time. It may be tempting to pick an inspector at random. However, it’s best to see this pre-purchase step as if you were an employer looking to hire an employee to take care of an important task. With this in mind, asking for references from former clients is entirely appropriate. You’ll be able to enquire about their satisfaction and thus validate your final choice.

Choose him According to His Expertise

Did you know that some inspectors specialise in century-old homes? Some in very large condominium buildings? Some in cottages near rivers? Or, that others are experts in neighborhoods often contaminated by pyrite or buildings built on unstable soil? These inspectors are therefore more alert to the different problems or realities of their field of expertise. If the property to be inspected has no particular feature, simply choose an inspector who lives in the same area.

Read One of His Previous Reports

Before hiring an inspector, ask them to provide you with an inspection report they previously did. You will be able to see if he is professional and judge if he has an attention to detail, if he can clearly express the points raised and if he has omitted to speak of certain aspects (piping, insulation, roofing, ventilation, etc.). ). Beware of reports written with general and impersonal sentences: each house is unique and you should feel it when reading the document.

Find Out About His Execution Time

An inspector who assures you that he will hand you the final document the same day and who stays on the property for about an hour is probably not very meticulous. Usually, it takes a minimum of two hours of inspection to go around a medium-sized house. In addition, the report is not likely to be detailed if it’s produced quickly. Beware!

Rely on Word of Mouth

Another tip is to chat with your loved ones. You could make good use of your social networks by asking your acquaintances to recommend a good candidate. Various people assure you that Inspector Tremblay was able to identify problems, which enabled future buyers to negotiate downward? This professional is undoubtedly competent.

Consider His Training

Usually, a trusted building inspector has a college or university degree in a building related field. Many are engineers or architects by training. Some even have degrees in inspection. Hiring an acquaintance who works in the construction industry, but who does not specialise in inspection is not the best idea.

Does He Have an Insurance Policy?

An important point to consider is whether the coveted inspector has professional liability insurance covering errors and omissions. Ask to see the document confirming this. You could even contact the insurance company to verify that everything is in order. This insurance will allow you, for example, to claim sums from him in the event of defects not listed during the inspection. Homeowners have already found themselves in a nightmare because they had hired someone who did not have the proper insurance policy.

Check for Past Prosecutions

In Quebec, it is possible to know if a professional has been prosecuted or sentenced following a poorly performed inspection. You can consult the website of the Société québécoise juridique juridique (SOQUIJ) or contact the Office de la protection du consommateur.

Qualified building inspectors often do this job full time and are in high demand. They are therefore rarely available quickly. This is why it’s better to plan a period of ten days for the execution of the inspection when signing the promise to purchase. Also, don’t hesitate to hire a professional who inspires confidence in you, even if it’s more expensive. Good luck with your search! 

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By RE/MAX Québec

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